Give But Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Used

Give but don’t allow yourself to be used. Love but don’t allow your heart to be abused. Listen to others but don’t lose your own voice.
Laws of Give and Take really work and you agreed to be the giver. True friends value you for who you are and not what you do for them. Be giving, be loving, be understanding, but never lose yourself in the process. When you truly know who you are and you do these things you are then able to give the best of yourself to whomever needs it. Sometimes, when people decide to leave you for good, you have to let them. No matter how much you don’t want them to, there are some things that are far beyond our control. And even if you have the strength to fight for them, you have to accept the cold, harsh truth ” that the people you can’t live without, can live without YOU.

Don’t allow yourself to wake up with yesterday’s issues troubling your mind. Refuse to live backwards, see everyday as a new chapter. Know who you are and what should be tolerated in order for you to continue to grow. It is very important to give of yourself, but we have to recognize that giving of ourselves for the wrong reasons will only kill our spirit. Without spirit, when you give, your efforts will lack true sincerity and love.

You cannot count on someone else to respect your feelings. You must respect your own feelings as messengers that are trying to tell you something. When someone is disrespectful and demeaning of you, your choice is to endure abuse, challenge it or walk away.
The bottom line is people will treat you the way that you let them. You train them through setting an unspoken contract of what is allowed in the relationship. Don’t apologize for setting good boundaries. If you want others to respect you, you must first show them that you have respect for yourself, and that you truly believe in who you will become. Just as you desire to nurture the relationships you have with others be willing to nurture the relationship you have with yourself. True friends have your back. They are there for you as you are there for them. Give and take!

Develop Success From Failures

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
You can’t go through life expecting to make great things happen without experiencing failure and being discouraged from these failures. People who are winners know that sometimes things just won’t go your way.

Failure is necessary if we are ever going to really learn, and grow up to be what we know we can. Getting through failure is a part of life that can not be avoided, as we are human and we will always make mistakes.

Getting knocked down isn’t the end of things for you if you decide not to let it be. People who have seen the most success in life know this simple fact to be true. When you dream big, the only way to get there is to try and fail, again and again, until you see the results you desire to see.

If you really want to be successful in life you have to get past being fearful of failing. Fail your way to success!